Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD257 How Old Thinking Keeps Us Stuck in Old Behaviors



In this week's episode of Enlightened by Dogs, Kathy Kawalec debunks three common myths around dog obedience training and old thinking that keeps us and our dogs stuck in old unwanted behaviors. As a dog mom, you may have fallen for one, two, or even all three of these myths that have been holding you back from creating a brilliant life with your dog.   Kathy shares her experiences from 20+ years of coaching, mentoring, and instructing other dog moms, helping them achieve a level of success with their dogs they never thought was possible. She believes that focusing on transactions and training behaviors is not the most effective way to live successfully with dogs.   Instead, she suggests going right to the root cause of behaviors and meeting both your needs and your dog's needs as social mammals. Once you start focusing on understanding your dog and meeting their needs, you'll see real progress towards creating a fulfilling partnership with them.   If you're ready to change the way you approach dog behavior a