Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #56 - Extra Crispy



Karen and Natalie are joined by our historian friend Liz to recap Teen Wolf season 3, episode 21 "The Fox and The Wolf." Featured Song: "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn - We introduce Liz, who can be reached on Tumblr if you would like to chat more about history! - One of our fave quotes is totally Team Angel, the others are a bit more introspective. - How did we find the pacing of this flashback episode? - Liz weighs in on the historical accuracy regarding Japanese American internment camps, including the difference in attitude of the Japanese people, and the living conditions portrayed. - How much influence did the supernatural presence of Noshiko have on the other people at Oak Creek? - Was the riddling soldier seen at the start a red herring? - We like how Mr Yukimura handles himself. Also, is this how the nogitsune makes his little minions? Possession by flies? - Malia apparently met up with Scott offscreen. Okay then. - Are the druids Teen Wolf's "fortune cookies?" - MTV allegedly confirmed the St