School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#219 How to Get Your Kids to Do _________ (Homework, Chores, the 'Right' Thing) WITHOUT the Battle



We received a great question from a mom which we answer in today’s episode. Just a reminder — we love receiving questions. Feel free to ask us anything by visiting where you can leave us a voice or text message. This mom asked: “I have a 13-year-old daughter. She gets homework from coop  & every week it’s a battle. I remind her about her assignment- she says yes, I know… and gets mad at me every time I bring it up but then either doesn’t do it or is up late the night before it’s due. Wisdom - please!!!!” This is a challenge that all of us have faced — likely more than once — as parents. And it’s something that can be extremely irritating and draining — mentally and emotionally. So how can we reduce the battles, not just around homework, but chores and anything else our kids 'should' do — and ultimately, help our children to WANT to do the things they’re ‘supposed’ to do? Because that’s the IDEAL — not just that our kids do what we ask them to, but that they lea