Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

What Happy Couples Know | Part 1 | Nothing | Chris Voigt



Nothing What Happy Couples Know April 16, 2023 This week, we’re beginning a four-week series called, What Happy Couples Know. And, as you might gather from the title, it’s a series about marriage. But it’s not just for people who are married! You might be dating or waiting, engaged, divorced, single or separated. But regardless of your current relationship status, one thing is true... you have relationships. And while we’re going to focus on how to have a healthy marriage, the principles we’re going to unpack apply to healthy relationships across the board.   Good marriages, and good relationships in general, don’t just happen. Healthy relationships require effort. And sometimes we don’t feel like making it. Usually that’s because we don’t have the right equipment and we’re unsure of where to start. But we’ve got hope and help to share over the next four weeks. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Give Online: