Game/life Balance Australia

Episode 92 – The Voyage of the Chinko-Wang



Episode 92 is here and we're reviewing the Indie sci-fi darling, FTL. Did AC manage to master the controls of a starship? Of course not, he got Rob to do all of that work while he folded his arms and barked orders! **** Also in this groundbreaking episode - Rob's 4 year old daughter has developed a witty high-brow sense of humour, while AC has developed a hankering for an original Japanese Sony Walkman from the 1980s. Plus there's a fun quiz about the lore in science fiction video games! **** If you love to hear geeks like us nerding out over our geeky obsessions, there’s plenty more of that kind of thing going on at the GonnaGeek Network, your home for geeky podcasts. Or is it *the* home for geeky podcasts? Regardless, head on over to and check out all the other awesome geeky shows! **** And for our sister show in the USA, check out their werbsiet at **** Intro music: Anamanaguchi – Video Challenge **** Outro music: Anamanaguchi – Fast Turtle ****