Game/life Balance Australia

Episode 80 – Stream of Nonsense 16 – Mothers, lock up your dogs



It's episode 80 (my God have we really made 80 of these things?) which is a number divisible by 5, so as I'm sure you all know by now that means it's time for another Stream of Nonsense. Wherein we throw our usual format out the window of a speeding car, and instead just talk about whatever the heck we like for an hour plus, and then we publish that on the internet and you get to enjoy that in your own private time. And if that alone doesn't entice you to download this week's frankly magnificent episode, maybe a list of the topics we discuss would whet your appetite? **** IN THIS WEEKS SHOW: a list of everything we know about Canada, the classic Australian TV show Neighbours, Rob's impressions on the indie game Grow Home, AC's impressions on the Moon landing as seen through his Playstation VR, Rob's infidelity to AC is exposed, and AC's been shoving 32X's into his Mega-Egger Drive or something?? Anyways it's a great episode, check it out, we love you! **** For other podcasts made by boner fried nerds just li