Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 55 – Stream of Nonsense 11 – Ape In The Outfield



If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that having jokes explained to you is always really fun. Especially in-jokes. And in that spirit we present our debut episode on the Gonnageek Network (yay!), wherein we go to great pains to explain all our hilarious running jokes and why they are so funny. As this episode number is divisible by 5, we once again threw our usual format to the wind and rambled about whatever popped into our heads, including such topics as: the origin story of Game/Life Balance (spoilers: it involves alcohol); the few pros and many cons of impersonating Cody Gough; the likelihood of there being at least 7 movies about monkeys playing baseball; the unpleasantness of Sydney; the utility of the Nintendo E-Card Reader; the complex feelings we have about Super Mario Bros. 3; and the many, many crimes of Jonathan "Uncle Stabbo" Martin. Also someone made our music for us. Someone called Me and My Shadow. They are good boys who love their mothers in a nice wholesome way that is not at all