Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 53 – Wolfcock Manor



The theme for this episode was originally going to be about music. Then it gradually morphed into werewolves. And their appendages. In other words, it's a fairly typical episode of Game/Life Balance Australia, your favourite podcast of all time ever thank you! This week our featured game is Rez, so grab hold of your Trance Vibrators, swallow whatever pills the shady guy at the door sold you, and then bob your head enthusiastically as the lads discuss what makes this game unique! Also in this enlightening episode, Rob turns back to his video game comfort food, AC's family are due back from Japan soon, but in the meantime the lads have been doing something very unusual and actually hanging out like real actual friends might do. Plus there's the usual ill-conceived quiz, childish toilet humour and questionable opinions about video games that you've come to know and love! Once upon a time, two little boys from the US of A made various sounds and noises come out of their compruders and turned it into an MP3. And