Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 51 – Mister Accuser of Loser-ness



Live from Japan, it's a podcast with bad audio quality! YAYYYY! Seriously though guys, the audio is really bad on this one. We have a pretty good excuse, because host of the show Andrew "AC" Yoshimura had to drop everything and go to Japan due to the passing of his mother-in-law (RIP) and thoughtlessly forgot to take his podcasting gear with him. So AC recorded his part using his phone, while Rob recorded from his computer, which is situated in a room with extremely bad acoustics. In other words, the audio quality is effed up the A but hey, you should consider yourself lucky you got a podcast at all you spoiled brats. We went to a lot of effort to make this okay? So you can just shut up and eat your damn vegetables! Our featured game this week is a quirky choice, Asterix for the Master System. The lads discuss the merits of the game and reminisce on how Asterix comic books first brought them together as friends back in 1987... or 1988. It was definitely in the 1980s, that's for sure. Also in this episode: A