Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 50 – Stream of Nonsense 10 – Ixnay on the Prostitution-nay



A New Year has dawned and a new era in unprofessional podcasting has been birthed into an unsuspecting world, because by gosh and by gum it's episode 50 of your source for all video game related information. And thank goodness it's a Stream of Nonsense because there is no way the lads would have pulled together a proper episode after the so-called "holiday" they both "enjoyed" recently. In this delightful episode we discuss our dreadful Christmas breaks, AC's daughter learning to do dangerous things, AC's man-bun looks pretty good, aging gracefully, Rob used to wear lip gloss and have lovely long hair like a pretty lady, how Goth culture is the fast track to existential philosophy, the "vaguely spiritual" look, cultural misappropriation, tattoos and the removal of tattoos. We also discussed some video games too, including the lovely gifts we received from one Cody Gough of Game/Life Balance US, plus Rob's not-exactly-timely review of Uncharted 4. Because we are nothing if not timely. Our music was made by tw