Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 49 – A Very GLB Christmas III: The End of Season Cliffhanger



Well this sure was a humdinger off an episode. It all started very good with the usual Christmas Special nonsense that we cart out every year. But then things took a turn for the ... concerning.  Our featured game for this episode is the extremely appropriate Yuletide video game, Christmas Nights into Dreams for the Sega Saturn, which is basically a sickeningly Christmas-y spin-off from the original Nights into Dreams. Rob did have a quiz prepared to, but as you'll see, we never quite got around to that part of the show.  Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger folks, but tune in to our next episode (if there is a next episode!?!??!!) to find out what happened to Han Solo... I mean Rob... apologies, I'm getting my devilishly charming rogues confused.  Our music was made by a musical team of two lovely lads from the America called Me and My Shadow. If you like our theme music or if you don't like our theme music but want to give them a second chance, you can find out more about their musical stylings at their