Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 42 – The Mini Snezz



While the rest of the world is busy worrying about nuclear apocalypse, fake news, and violence in the Middle East, the nerds among us are all frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs for a stupid plastic box that plays old games and costs frankly way too much money. And so of course we decided to review said stupid plastic box. What do we think of it? Listen in to find out. (Also don’t judge our views based on this text description alone because it is 10pm and Robert is grumpy because he just wants to go play games instead of editing a podcast and writing this tripe. The box actually isn’t that stupid, it’s an okay sort of a box really when you get right down to it. And how can you even begin to judge the intelligence-level of a plastic box? It’s hard to even conceive of how you might go about gauging such a thing. I mean really.) Also in this charming episode we have no quiz because Rob couldn’t be arsed writing a quiz. He’s separating from his wife so give him a bloody break