Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 28 – The Parrot Sketch



Everyone seems to be talking about Zelda these days, and in this episode your high-larious hosts Rob and AC eagerly jump on that bandwagon like a couple of talentless hacks to discuss the Gameboy classic, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Plus Rob hasn't been playing any games, and AC went to the movies. We also have a fun new quiz so that's good isn't it? And if you're wondering why we're late again this week, Rob just forgot to edit it. That's right, he forgot that this podcast is a thing. Such a disappointment, that lad. The music for our podcast is much better than we deserve, and was made by two lovely boys from the America, Me and My Shadow. So if you want to make us happy in a totally non-sexual way, go check out their other stuff at and