Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 24 – The Bart, The



AC is in Japan, so what does he do with all his time in this land of fascinating culture? He watches old Simpsons episodes and plays video games inside of course! (Duh...) This episode Andrew is joined by special guest Andrew..Lynch. That's confusing, let's call him by his nickname "L-chan". He loves that. AC and L-chan talk about the newly released information on the Nintendo Switch, the Japanese Switch event, gambling fake money in Salty's Dream Casino and why anyone would actually want to buy a Neo Geo AES console (Hint: I *REALLY* wanted one!) This episode's featured game is Worms WMD, an actual modern game (that plays like all the older Worms games, that's a good thing. Trust me) and AC quizzes his guest co-host with "Was it a Console?" Oh, and the Simpsons comes up a little bit. Seriously. That's all we do. We watch the Simpsons...