Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 23 – Ringing in the New Balance… Year… Sneakers!



Well we made it to the end of 2016, and I’m sure nothing bad will happen in 2017 so we can all feel really relieved and happy, right? So why not join Rob and his lovely, long-suffering wife Meg as they celebrate the new year in style by drinking wine, nibbling hors d’oeuvres and reminiscing on the year that was. What could be more laid back than an Australian summer? Nothing! So we decided to follow suit and do a very laid back podcast for you. So there’s no format, just a married couple chatting for a little less than an hour about the Lego Harry Potter HD remaster for the Playstation 4, plus our personal highlights in 2016 and our plans for 2017. And because there’s no AC in this episode, it’s 25% less funny than normal but 2000% less insufferable, so it kind of balances out. The Game/Life Balance theme was handcrafted from locally sourced ethically produced musical sounds by the extremely talented bespoke artisanal musicians, Me and My Shadow. Go check out their latest album o