Game/life Balance Australia

Game/Life Balance Australia – Episode 22 – A Very GLB Christmas 2: Electric Rudolfoo



It's time to deck the halls and steal a cheeky kiss on the bum under the mistletoe because gosh darn it if it ain't the Game/Life Balance Australia Christmas special! This year we're serving up a hot steaming plate of yuletide fare with our featured game, International Cricket for the NES. That's right, we know you've been clamouring for us to cover a cricket game on this show, so we finally decided to give our loyal fans exactly what they want, or dare I say, need! That's right, you know you need it baby. Rob gives a very accurate and factually correct explanation of the rules of cricket, AC gives us the origin story of cricket, and we both share our views of the glorious Australian tradition of watching grown men hit a ball with a stick in the sweltering heat of an Australian summer. In our Game/Life Balance segment we discuss holiday plans: Rob will be spending the holidays in Canberra because he is broke as a joke, while AC is travelling back to Japan to enjoy a traditional weird Japanese Christmas just l