Wise Traditions

417: Where Physical, Emotional, And Mental Health Meet



Depression. Arrhythmia. Stress. Emotional burdens. How can we address our complex health conditions? And how is the physical related to the mental and emotional components of wellbeing? And is it best to address issues with conventional or unconventional protocols?   Anette Ruiz is a holistic health coach and communications specialist. Alberto is a certified permaculturist and talk show host. Today, they tell their story of facing seemingly insurmountable health crises. Anette had moderate-to-severe depression; Alberto, a heart condition. Their island got hit by Hurricane Maria, and their stress levels went through the roof.   They discuss today how they faced these experiences and what they learned through them--particularly how they have incorporated tools for holistic living that address the physical, mental, and emotional health of the body. Among other topics, they cover how to recognize the symptoms of depression, the power of gratitude, and why they will not use a microwave oven.   P.S. We're so glad t