Stephen J. Kosmyna

Spiritual Power Tools for Personal and Professional Development - V



In this episode we do a wrap up of this mini-series that has focused on looking at your powerful, intangible assets or Super Powers and the simple process to help you become more aware of them, develop them, and integrate them into your own character. This has all been about 'finding and replacing' OR 'noticing and integrating' new habitual thought patterns that replace the old worn out thought programming that has been centered in worry, doubt, fear, lack, limitation and failure.Remember the equation is always; thoughts + feelings + actions = results. And always in that order. Same old thoughts, same olde results. Don't expect anything different to show up in your life or your business, especially your dreams and goals, if you don't get to work on changing your thought habits by refocusing them on your innate super powers.The first step is the realization that all of these assets I’m speaking about are inherent within all of us including you. Intentionally exercising these innate faculties or