Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring the South Pole with Wayne L. White: Surviving the Cold, Darkness and Pandemic



Jim Malliard welcomes viewers to The Malliard Report, a podcast recorded in front of a live virtual audience. He reminds viewers that the views expressed on the show are not necessarily reflective of the show’s sponsors or affiliates. He then introduces his guest, author, explorer, and site manager of the South Pole, Wayne L. White, who has written a new book about his experience there. Jim and Wayne discuss the challenges of managing a 46-person crew in the South Pole, and Wayne shares his experience of walking in the winter darkness of the South Pole. Wayne White is an explorer who has walked thousands of miles and never missed a day outside. He joins us to talk about his incredible experience of becoming the station manager at the South Pole. Despite the hardships and feeling helpless of a global pandemic, Wayne and his crew prevailed and he is alive to talk about his journey. He explains that he had always been attracted to harsh conditions and the great explorers of the past, prompting him to pursue his