Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring the Next World: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife with Gregory Shushan



 Gregory Shushan is the guest on the Malliard Report. He is the leading authority on near death experiences and afterlife across cultures and is the author of numerous books, including the most recent one, The Next World of Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife.  Gregory and Jim are discussing Gregory's new book, The Next World: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife. Gregory explains that his previous two books are published by Bloomsbury and Oxford University Press and are intended for an academic audience, which is why they come with a hefty $110 price tag. He wanted to write something more accessible and affordable for people interested in near-death experiences. His new book looks at the idea of the afterlife from different cultural and religious perspectives. It is both accessible in terms of academic language and affordable for readers. The narrator has always been interested in unusual phenomena and began exploring after reading a book called Phenomenon. During his first degree in Egyptian