Highlights The Malliard Report

Pet Ownership: The Conversation and The Liability



The conversation is about the difficulties the speaker is having with technology. They are trying to get a video up for their daughter to show off her pets, but the program keeps crashing. They express their wish that the program would just crash so they could restart it. Two people are talking about a pet rat. The rat is mostly white with some tan markings on its back. It is two years old. The person recording the conversation notes that the video program is having difficulties, but decides to continue recording and post the video anyways. The conversation then turns to discussing the details of the rat. The speaker has six pet rats, three of which are female. The oldest rat is female and likes whipped cream and scrambled eggs. The second oldest rat is Celeste, who is black and white. She is one year old in human years, and will turn two on the 21st. She likes to run on her wheel and eat anything. The third rat is white with red eyes, and likes to eat whipped cream and strawberries. The fourth rat is male