Highlights The Malliard Report

Unlocking the Power of Psychic Abilities with Julie Guthrie Smulson



"Woo Woo For Your Boo Hoo.” Psychic abilities have been long researched, tried, debated, and utilized for centuries. While many “academics” may be quick to write it off, the fact is that there is something to it. Why else would the CIA put so much time and money into conducting tests like remote viewing and OBE research? This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes a guest that has jumped far into the deep end when it comes to this kind of stuff. This week Jim welcomes Julie Guthrie Smulson who happens to be a remote viewer, medium, channeler, healer, wearer of many other hats, and is here to discuss her incredibly busy life doing such. “Julie is an Author, Spiritual Healer & Podcaster. As an author Julie is passionate about sharing her lifetime and lifetimes of experiences with the world. Julie’s intention in all that she does is to help others overcome their personal traumas and challenges so they can become happy and thriving individuals. Through Julie’s own personal traumas and challenges she has been e