Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring the Possibility of an Elevator to Space with Neal Lachman



What seems to be a near monthly occurrence, the morning news highlights the latest in the billionaire’s pissing contest, and we get to watch another rocket hurdle through the atmosphere. While the achievements are absolutely remarkable, and the fact that space travel has now become a “civilian’s” game, it still sits in the “unobtainable” category for the average person. You, me, or any other Joe Schmoe can’t really hedge any bets that we will be bolting ourselves into a seat, strapped to literal millions of pounds of thrust any time soon. Let alone be able to afford to do so. (Maybe you can, and I apologize for assuming otherwise) But what if there was an easier way? Something that could be done at the touch of a button, like…and elevator. Yes, and elevator to space. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes Neal Lachman. Neal is a disruptor in the space travel game, and he is here tonight to share those ideas. Neal has more than 32 years of business experience, including 26 years in finance and technolo