Highlights The Malliard Report

The Thiaoouba Prophecy: Exploring the Common Thread Between a Chinese Court Interpreter & Michel Desmarquet



In 1987 Michel Desmarquet stated that he was abducted by very kind and attractive, 8-foot tall, hermaphroditic, humanoid aliens and taken to their advanced planet. He was shown the function of the universe through a metaphysical form, in addition to how to correct our planets future path, and potential warnings if we do not. Quite a story to say the least, but the real question is how does this story, and a Chinese Court Interpreter have a common thread? Well this week’s guest on The Malliard Report, was so moved by the Thiaoouba Prophecy, he set out on his own journey to follow in the path of Michel. This week Jim welcomes Samuel Chong. Samuel comes from Beijing, China. With a bachelor's degree in Economics from University of California, Berkeley, he also studied Economic History at London School of Economics and Political Science and Financial Analysis at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. A former instructor for the Court Interpreters Program at University of California, Los Angeles Extension Program, he sp