Highlights The Malliard Report

The Malliard Report Welcomes Mark Anthony – Psychic Lawyer, Psychic Explorer, and Bestselling Author



At this point, does this week’s guest really need an introduction? If you have listened to The Malliard Report for any length of time you will certainly recognize this voice almost instantly. Always on the go with some new project, and always a fan favorite and show friend, this week Jim welcomes Mark Anthony. So without any further ado, let’s just jump into this thing. “Mark Anthony the “Psychic Lawyer and Psychic Explorer (aka Psychic Attorney and Psychic Adventurer),” is a world-renowned fourth generation science based evidential psychic medium who communicates with spirits. He is the author of the critically acclaimed Amazon and spiritual bestsellers Never Letting Go and Evidence of Eternity. Mark’s credentials and experience are unparalleled in the paranormal world. He is an Oxford educated trial attorney licensed to practice before the United States Supreme Court. In England he studied Mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science.” Make sure to head over