Highlights The Malliard Report

Making It Big In Motorsports Marketing: An Interview with Tim Leonard



Everybody has a genesis in their passion journey. For some, it is seeing a musician play an instrument or piece that absolutely captivates them. Others may be enthralled by the grace and moves of a dancer or inspired by an athlete that causes themselves to push their very own limits. Sometimes inspiration comes from the most unusual sources. One could say this week’s guest was inspired by a single piece sheet metal, and that piece of sheet metal has turned into a successful sports marketing team. This week Jim welcomes Tim Leonard to the show. Tim Leonard is the head of Leonard Motorsports Marketing. Sports marketing is something of an unusual genre of business. Most sports marketing is usually done by mega companies attaching themselves to team/sports uniforms or having an elite player wear a particular item while on the court or pitch. This most often involves absurdly large amounts of money that most of us simple folk would not even begin to fathom. However, motorsports seem to be the one outlet that a “re