Highlights The Malliard Report

Unveiling the Secrets of a Pharmacist's World - The Malliard Report



It is a process that we have all encountered. You go to the doctor (which is already a pain in the butt to get into) go through whatever exam you have lined up, the doctor scribbles some illegible gibberish on a piece of paper and sends you to your local pharmacy. You know it will take a little bit of time, and your stomach is doing most of the talking right now, so you decide to grab a bite on the way over to the pharmacy. You grub your burger, pull into your local WalAideRiteGreens, meander to the back and queue up in the line. You finally get to the window, only to find out that your prescription isn’t ready yet. “HOW HARD CAN IT BE!? Just take the pills from the container, and put them in the bottle for me” you scream inside of your head. But, there is much more to it than just that. This week’s guest on The Malliard Report is here to dispel all the misconceptions of life in a pharmacy, discuss specialty medications, the opioid crisis, and much more. This week Jim welcomes pharmacists number 1 Fan & Advoc