Highlights The Malliard Report

Jim Malliard Welcomes His Better Half, Tabby Malliard, to The Malliard Report



After all these years, we’ve gotten to know the voice of the great Jim Malliard quite well. We know his foray into the paranormal. Struggles and achievements in the world of maintaining a podcast for more than a decade (and the strange cast of characters he keeps around to help with it), and even some of his interests and hobbies outside of life behind the mic, but very, very rarely does the curtain blow enough in the ethereal breeze that we get a true peek into the world of the “duck master” himself. This week, the breeze of destiny just so happens to be working in our favor with Jim’s featured guest, and that curtain is blown wide open. This week Jim welcomes his better half, the one and only, Tabby (Mrs. Duck Master) Malliard. It has been eight long years since we have had the absolute privilege to have Tabby on the show, and this week we finally break that much too long absence. Tabby joins Jim to share some insight into what a day in the life looks like. From overcoming some serious health challenges, ta