Highlights The Malliard Report

The Future of AI Use in Call Centers with Tom Laird



Call centers are one of the most unique experiences from both a consumer and employee standpoint. As a customer, we often feel the frustrations of long wait times, being helplessly passed around from department to department, having to tell our story six different times only to be met with the “…why are you calling in today…” As an employee, it can be equally frustrating: long and/or strange hours, poor management, high churn, lack of training, and at times what feels like a never-ending stream of angry customers on the other end of the line call after call after call. Neither scenario is exactly a win for either party and this has been the sort of mindset for decades. It sucks, we know it sucks, and that’s just the way that it is. But what if there was a different way? Modern approaches that could simplify the process and increase first call resolutions, make the job easier for the agents, and much more. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes a guest that is taking this task head on. This week we wel