Highlights The Malliard Report

Navigating the Complicated World of Estate Planning with Robert Kabacy



Dealing with the passing of a loved one is one of those unfortunate occurrences that we all must face. Even more intimidating is the notion of having all our affairs in order when our time comes. Macabre? Yes, but statistically speaking you are one hundred percent likely to die. Now when that time comes, in addition to the grief that we have to go through, there is often the headache of dealing with estates, wills, financial holding transfers, the list goes on. Unless you are an expert and many different fields, navigating those tumultuous waters can be an incredibly daunting task. This week on The Malliard Report Jim welcomes a guest that deals specifically with this field and has made it his goal to try and make the process as easy as possible. This week Jim welcomes Robert (Bob) Kabacy to the show to discuss the many intricacies of being an estate lawyer, the beautiful Oregon coast, and about his time on stage with David Copperfield. “Robert Kabacy has been a lawyer in the estate planning and wealth transf