Highlights The Malliard Report

Lighting the Spark of Achievement: The Inspiring Story of Courtenay Turner



Every individual has something inside that drives them. A spark deep within that builds to a flame of personal achievement or passion. What it looks like, or the fuel behind it varies for each person, but the base behind it is all the same. This week on The Malliard Report Jim welcomes a guest that has a raging inferno inside and has overcome obstacles that very few will ever know. On this episode Jim welcomes Courtenay Turner to discuss her achievements, her philosophies, and what drives her. “…Courtenay Turner was born with congenital rubella. Her mother had the German measles during first trimester of pregnancy. Some of the ramifications including but not limited to unilateral blindness, severe bilateral hearing impairment, hypotonia affecting the limbs, heart complications, asymmetrical bone development, stunted growth, for fine and graphic motor coordination and several other afflictions. Doctors told her parents the best they could hope was to find an institution to put her in for life. From the baby nu