Highlights The Malliard Report

Mental Health Awareness: An Interview with Crystal McFadden



Unfortunately, it has only been over the last few years that a real and legitimate focus on mental health has made its way to the forefront of discussion. For ages, discussing one’s mental health was considered taboo, and heaven forbid if someone felt that they needed to seek out professional help. Thankfully in recent years, the awful stigma of searching out professional help, or even openly discussing mental health has significantly disappeared and has become a more mainstream topic. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes Crystal McFadden to the show, and Crystal is a fierce advocate for individual mental health and well-being. A retired vet, licensed therapist, speaker, podcaster, and writer, Crystal has overcome her own hurtles in life to reach where she is today. Crystal uses her podcast and writings to reach out to individuals that may be looking for help, but might be unsure as to where they should turn. She describes her podcasts “…Life is tough, we all seek to be seen, heard, and validated of