Highlights The Malliard Report

Uncovering Cryptocurrency: An Interview with Chris Brady



Anonymity in a time where any and every move is monitored, tracked, and logged is certainly something to grab a hold of and hang of for all that it is worth. Now, even more than ever when we are seeing governments overreaching their proverbial hand in more ways than one, any way to “hide” is critical. One such way is the rapidly growing world of crypto currencies. More or less having a genesis in approximately 2009, crypto has become an almost fully normalized method of buying and selling, and the governments are not happy. Crypto is unregulated, hard to trace…and well…can be absolutely confusing. Block chain, mining, digital wallets, and so on. Well, this week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes Chris Brady to the show to help clear up some of that confusion. “Chris Brady is a New York Times best-selling author, speaker, humorist, and businessman. His books include Launching a Leadership Revolution (co-authored with Orrin Woodward), PAiLS, Rascal, A Month of Italy, and several other titles on leadership and