Highlights The Malliard Report

Uncovering the Reality of Fake Healers and Energy Attachments with Maya Marcotte



There are simple and basic principles that are just assumed as common knowledge. The sky is blue(ish), the sun rises in the east, and energy permeates through buildings and can attach and detach to individuals. As we know, certain individuals have the ability to tap into these energies and share insights to where and why they may be. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes just such a guest. This week Jim welcomes Maya Marcotte to the show to discuss fake healers, energy attachments and how to get rid of them, and where some of the most “risky places” for potential attachments are. Hint, Jim has talked about it in the past. “Maya is a multi-faceted artist, singer, writer and YouTuber working in New York. Her first art teacher was her father whom she turned to throughout her life for honest critiques of her work. She grew up with a passion for Disney animation and much of her early influence came from the feature-length movies of fairy tales and imagination. As she got into her teens, the works of Olivi