Highlights The Malliard Report

Uncovering the Truth Behind Project Star Gate: Investigating Psychic Phenomena with Dr. Kimberly McGeorge



Project Star Gate. A U.S. Army research unit that was established in 1978 out of Fort Meade, Maryland by the Defense Intelligence Agency and SRI International to investigate and establish psychic phenomena for militaristic purposes. Project Star Gate had a heavy focus on remote viewing with the intent to tap into Russian sites and establishments. The program was allegedly terminated in the early 90s and declassified in 1995. This move brought the concept of remote viewing and its legitimacy of it to the public forefront. (Why would the U.S. Military run a classified program for two decades if there wasn’t truth to it?) This segues into our guest this week on The Malliard Report. This week Jim welcomes the renowned remote viewer and naturopathic healer, Dr. Kimberly McGeorge, to the show. “Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote viewer, paranormal expert, and consciousness teacher. Her extensive client list includes of some of the world’s most talented he