Highlights The Malliard Report

Tune into The Malliard Report for Censorship and Freedom of Speech Debates



This week on The Malliard Report Jim pulls a fan favorite and opens up the phone lines, and the conversation certainly kicks off come lively debates. The topics are certainly diverse and lively and even spills into the Duck Pond live chat. As you can see, there really is no easy answer to this question, but there is certainly room for lively discussion, in which we invite you to join in every Tuesday night over at malliard.com. Also, remember to rate and subscribe through your favorite podcast app! Reach out to Jim on all social media @malliard as well. This week, Jim dives into a conversation about censorship and freedom of speech. Although this is a contentious topic, it can be an opportunity to learn and exchange ideas. Jim invites his listeners to share their thoughts and experiences, and the callers certainly oblige. As the conversation progresses, Jim brings up the subject of the internet, and how it has both given us a great deal of freedom, while also creating a greater level of control and censo