Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring the Paranormal in West Virginia with Denver Michaels



This week, Jim Malliard is joined by author and radio producer Denver Michaels, to discuss his book, Wild & Wonderful (and Paranormal) West Virginia. Denver has dedicated a lot of time to researching the paranormal in West Virginia, and his book is one of the most comprehensive accounts of the paranormal in the state. From ghosts, to UFOs, to Bigfoot, Denver covers it all. In this episode, Denver tells Jim all about the research he has done and the stories he has collected. He explains what makes West Virginia such a hotspot for paranormal activity, how it differs from other places, and how the locals view the paranormal. Jim and Denver then delve into some of the most interesting stories from the book, including encounters with a ghostly lynx, strange balls of light, and alien abductions. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, this episode of The Malliard Report is sure to keep you riveted. Tune in to hear Jim and Denver discuss their experiences in West Virginia, and the intriguing paranormal activity th