Highlights The Malliard Report

Interview with Award-Winning Toronto Sun Reporter Bryan Passifiume on Journalism, Politics and Writing



Welcome to The Malliard Report! This week, we are joined by Bryan Passifiume, a reporter with the Toronto Sun. Bryan is an award-winning journalist and author who has been covering news, politics, and the criminal justice system in the city of Toronto since 2009. He is the author of two books, The Unrepentant: The Strange and (Sometimes) Terrible Life of Lorne Campbell, Satan's Choice and Hells Angel and The Unrepentant: The Strange and (Sometimes) Terrible Life of Wayne Kellestine and the Bandidos Motorcycle Club. In this episode, we are going to be talking to Bryan about his work in journalism and what it takes to be a successful reporter. We will also be discussing the current social and political climate in Toronto and how it affects his work. Finally, we will be discussing his two books and how his experience as a reporter has informed his writing. So, Bryan, thanks for joining us on the show today. Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your background in journalism? Sure. I've been a reporter si