Highlights The Malliard Report

The Real Men in Black: Uncovering the Mystery of the UFO Phenomenon



Nick Redfern is the author of many books on a range of topics from strange creatures to government conspiracies and his latest book, ‘The Real Men in Black: Evidence, Famous Cases, and True Stories of These Mysterious Men and Their Connection to the UFO Phenomenon’, dives deep into the mysterious events that occurred over two nights in December of 1967. Nick shares his journey into investigating the events of those two nights and how he was able to find information that had been hidden away for years. From the eyewitnesses on the ground, to the government documents, to the analysis of the events and the implications of what happened, Nick pulls together a compelling story that will leave listeners questioning what really happened. Nick’s book is a must read for anyone looking to further their understanding of the UFO phenomenon and the mysterious Men in Black. Make sure to pick up a copy and join Jim and Nick as they discuss these events and more on this episode of The Malliard Report. Learn more about your