Highlights The Malliard Report

De-Escalate Conflicts and Difficult Conversations with Doug Noll



Doug Noll is the author of the book De-Escalate: How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less. He recently joined Jim Malliard on his podcast The Malliard Report to discuss how to defuse confrontations and handle difficult conversations. Doug began by sharing what inspired him to write his book. He noted that at some point in our lives, we’ve all found ourselves in a situation where we’ve had to confront an angry person. Doug wanted to provide readers with the tools to handle these confrontations quickly and effectively. He then discussed the three-step process he outlines in De-Escalate. Step one involves “active listening”, which requires being present and listening without judgment. Step two is to ask questions to understand the person’s perspective, and the third step is to suggest a solution. Doug believes that this approach can help people to de-escalate a situation and reach a resolution faster. Doug also discussed the importance of understanding and respecting the other person’s perspective, e