Highlights The Malliard Report

Hear Megan Gehring's Story of Her First Alien Encounter on The Malliard Report



On this week’s episode of The Malliard Report, host Jim Malliard talks to Megan Gehring, an experienced remote viewer, paranormal investigator, and UFO researcher. Megan shares her remarkable story of the first time she encountered aliens. Megan explains that she had gone out to a rural area with her team to conduct some research. After setting up their equipment, they decided to try a remote viewing session. Almost immediately, they began to pick up a strange energy. As they continued their session, they began to see images of a spacecraft hovering above the horizon. Megan says that she felt a strange sense of familiarity as she watched the craft, and had a feeling that the alien beings were trying to communicate with her. Megan and her team were then able to establish a telepathic link with the alien beings, and Megan was able to understand their message. They were warning her to be careful and to protect her team. Megan says that the experience changed her life, and she now spends her time researching an