Highlights The Malliard Report

The Malliard Report: Breaking Down Barriers and Creating a More Unified World



The Malliard Report is always looking to bring thought provoking conversations to its audience, and this week is no different. Mark and Anthony have set out to use their platform to provide a safe space for people to speak their minds and find a common ground when it comes to issues of racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. They understand the importance of understanding and educating one another on the various perspectives that go into creating a unified world. The pair have used their platform to bring awareness to the issue of racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. They have used their platform to discuss the history behind these issues, and how to create a more tolerant world. Through their platform, they have encouraged people to step out of their comfort zones and open up conversations about topics that are often seen as taboo. This week’s show will be an interesting one. Jim and his guests will be discussing the importance of education and understanding when it comes to elim