Highlights The Malliard Report

Jude Morrow's Inspiring Story of Overcoming His Autism Diagnosis



Jude and Jim start the conversation discussing his early life and the diagnosis of ASD. Jim is intrigued by the fact that Jude was able to use his love of reading and writing to help him cope with the difficulties that he faced due to his Autism. Jude explains how he was able to use books as an escape and to give him an outlet for his emotions. He also shares how he used books to help him understand social cues and how to interact with others. The conversation moves onto the topic of speaking and how Jude was able to overcome the challenges he faced in order to become a public speaker. Jude talks about how he was able to practice speaking in front of small groups of people and eventually worked his way up to larger audiences. He also shares the importance of having a support system to help him through the process. The conversation then shifts to the topic of writing and Jude’s book. Jude explains how he was able to use the same techniques he used to practice speaking to write his book. He talks about how he