Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring the Claims of Swiss UFO Contactee Billy Meier with Michael Horn



Michael Horn is a UFO researcher and the authorized American media representative for Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier. Michael has spent years researching and studying the evidence, photos, films, and contacts of Billy Meier. He's a believer in the extraterrestrial origin of the UFO phenomenon, and has written several books about it. In this episode, Michael and Jim delve into the story of Billy Meier and his alleged UFO contacts. They discuss the evidence that supports Meier's claims, as well as the skeptics who refute him. Michael shares his thoughts on the warnings that Meier and his extraterrestrial contacts have issued concerning the fate of the Earth. Throughout the episode, Michael and Jim discuss the implications of Meier's research, and what it could mean for the future of humanity. Along the way, they tackle questions like why Meier's claims have been largely ignored by mainstream media, and whether Meier's warnings should be taken seriously. This episode of The Malliard Report is sure to leave