Highlights The Malliard Report

The Malliard Report: An In-Depth Look Into the Housing Market and the Economy



On the most recent episode of The Malliard Report, Harry dives into the housing market and the state of the economy as a whole. He explains how the current market is at an all-time high, yet the underlying fundamentals are pointing to an imminent recession. He also provides some great advice on how to protect your investments and prepare for the future. Harry points out that the housing market is in a precarious state and that the only thing that is keeping it afloat is the low-interest rates. He also goes into detail about the economy as a whole, citing the large deficits and increasing debt levels as something that could lead to a crash. He cautions listeners to be wary of investing in the stock market at this time and to look into alternative investments, such as gold and silver. The episode also has Harry discussing some of the key indicators to watch for, such as the unemployment rate, inflation, and consumer spending. He explains how each of these can give an indication of the direction of the econo