Highlights The Malliard Report

Protect Yourself and Your Business from Digital Threats with Sean R. DeGrilla on The Malliard Report



On The Malliard Report, a podcast that specializes in the paranormal, conspiracy theories, and other related topics, Sean R. DeGrilla was invited to discuss security topics such as cyber security, physical security, identity theft, and other related topics. In this episode, Sean spoke about the various threats that businesses and individuals face in the cyber world and how to protect yourself and your business. Sean shared his expertise on the various vulnerabilities that individuals and businesses may face in the digital world, such as phishing, malware, and ransomware. He discussed the importance of implementing proper security protocols, such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and proper password management. He also shared his insight on the importance of training your staff on proper security procedures and the importance of regularly monitoring your networks for potential threats. Sean's experience in the security field was invaluable for this episode of The Malliard Report. He provided the au