Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring the Possibility of an Extraterrestrial Origin of Humanity with Leon Bibi



The Malliard Report's latest guest, Leon Bibi, has a unique take on the origins of humanity. On the show, he shares his theory that all of mankind is descended from an extraterrestrial origin. His book, Adam = Alien, makes the case for his theory, and it has been gaining a lot of attention. Leon delves into the biological differences between humans and other species on earth, and how they could be explained by an extraterrestrial ancestor. He also talks about the possibility of extraterrestrials visiting earth in the past and how they could have been responsible for the sudden rise in human intelligence. The discussion covers a wide range of topics, from ancient civilizations to the current state of our world. Leon’s thought-provoking insights will leave you questioning your own beliefs about the origin of humanity. For those interested in learning more about Leon’s work and theories, be sure to check out his website and book Adam = Alien. If you want to dive into the conversation, tune in to The Malliard