Highlights The Malliard Report

Unlocking the Power of Geomancy with Dan Shaw: Learn How to Connect with the Earth’s Energies



The Malliard Report, your go-to podcast for all things paranormal and strange, recently had a chance to interview Dan Shaw, an alchemist who specializes in geomancy. Geomancy is a branch of Alchemy that focuses on the subtle energies of the Earth and how they can be used to our advantage. During the interview, Dan discussed his fascination with geomancy, how it works, and how it can be used to help us in our daily lives. Dan has been studying Alchemy for more than 30 years and has focused on geomancy for the last 15. He believes that the Earth is a living being and that we can use its energies to connect with the divine and our individual destinies. He also believes that the energies of the Earth can be used to heal, create, and manifest our goals. Dan discussed how geomancy can be used to help us in a variety of ways, from finding our life’s purpose to creating abundance. He explained how geomancy works by focusing on the energy of the Earth and how it interacts with our own energy. He also discussed the imp