Highlights The Malliard Report

School Safety Expert David Perrodin Discusses His Book "School of Errors"



David Perrodin’s most recent book “School of Errors establishes another voice in the discussion of how to promote safe schools. It challenges the unchecked expansion of school fortification and hyper-realistic intruder drills and questions the realized benefit of inter-agency collaboration during a sentinel event. The Malliard Report recently had the opportunity to chat with David Perrodin, Ph.D., author of the book “School of Errors”. David is a leading expert on school safety, having worked as an educator, administrator, and consultant. During the interview, David discussed his experience with the book, the importance of school safety, and the ways we can work together to create safer schools. When asked about his experience writing the book, David spoke about the importance of learning from our mistakes and the power of critical thinking. He said, “One of the primary reasons for writing this book was to equip school professionals with the skills to effectively assess their own school safety plans and mak