Highlights The Malliard Report

Exploring Star Trek Continues with Vic and Marc



As a lifelong fan of the original series, Jim is a great host to explore the intricacies of the show and its fans. He begins the show by introducing Vic and Marc and their roles in Star Trek Continues. Vic is the director and plays Captain James T. Kirk and Marc is the writer. Jim dives in by asking Vic and Marc what inspired them to create the series. Vic explains that the original series had a strong emotional impact on him and that he wanted to bring that same passion to the fan-funded series. Marc explains that the original series had always been one of his favorites and that he was inspired to create a continuation of the original that would bring in new viewers as well as keep the legacy alive. Jim then moves on to discuss the incredible success of the series. Vic and Marc explain that the series has received a significant amount of attention, both from fans and from professionals within the industry. They attribute this success to the fact that the series is fan-funded, allowing them to stay true to